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BIBLIO – Boosting Digital Skills and Competences for Librarians in Europe

Project name:

Implementation period:
11.2019 – 10.2022

The goal of the project: to address the skills gap in the library sector in the new digital environment by analyzing the needs, developing and testing a new training program for VET providers that will be compliant with level 5 of the European Qualifications Framework (EQF) .

Digital transformation leads to a change in the purpose and perception of various organizations and institutions in society, including the traditional idea of ​​public libraries. On the one hand, today people receive their information online and want not only to access digital content, but often to reuse and develop it. Today, libraries must be prepared to facilitate the creative use of digital archives, to create new digital content through various tools and technologies. On the other hand, in order to remain competitive, libraries are always looking for different ways to attract users. Besides being a traditional place for learning, libraries host events, offer various educational, recreational and cultural activities.

This development calls into question the role of physical libraries and librarians. Libraries regularly reassess existing services and offer new ones, and to support these new activities, librarians must have the appropriate skills. This flexibility of services requires librarians to acquire new competencies so that they can adapt the infrastructure to offer a variety of on-demand services and to impart digital skills to users. Unfortunately, very few libraries and librarians meet these requirements today. Library staff need training to deal with multiple topics and their professional training must reflect the transformed concept of the profession – the librarian.

The BIBLIO – BOOSTING DIGITAL SKILLS AND COMPETENCES FOR LIBRARIANS IN EUROPE project is developed in order to address the skills gap in the library sector in the new digital environment by analyzing the needs, developing and testing a new training program for VET providers, which will be compliant with level 5 of the European Qualifications Framework (EQF).

The project is aimed at librarians and the unemployed in the library sector, as it will give them the opportunity to offer innovative services to users after increasing their digital and soft skills.

The Biblio project unites 10 partners from five countries. Partnership includes sector organizations – national and international library networks and organizations; VET providers /ЦПО/, university and two European networks in the field of digital skills and library specialists.


Project Partners:

P1. University of Bari Aldo Moro (UNIBA), Italy – coordinator
P2. The Central Institute for the Union Catalogue of Italian Libraries and Bibliographic Information (ICCU), Italy
P3. European Grants International Academy (EGInA), Italy
P4. Center for vocational training at University of Library Studies and Information Technologies (ULSIT), Bulgaria
P5. Global Libraries – Bulgaria Foundation (GLBF), Bulgaria
P6. SIA DMG – Data Media Group, Latvia
P7. Culture Information Systems Centre (KISC), Latvia
P8. Hellenic Open University (HOU), Greece
P9. ALL DIGITAL, Belgium
P10. Public Libraries 2030 (PL2030), Belgium


The project is financed by the Erasmus + KA2 Program / Cooperation for innovation and exchange of good practices (Sector Skills Alliance) and has a duration of 36 months and a value of 944,258.00 euros.


main project activities:
  • Analysis of the needs of those working in the library sector (cabinet survey, online questionnaire, interviews); formulation of proposals for training in the library sector, identification of new profiles for work in the library. Job profiles will be in accordance with ESCO – Classification of European skills, competences, qualifications and professions and e-CF – European framework for electronic competence.
  • Development of a modular curriculum for VET providers (40 courses), corresponding to EQF level 5, applying a specific methodology for VET, based on learning outcomes and blended learning principles. The curricula will be based on a set of digital OER (Open Educational Resources), supporting the acquisition of digital competences and soft skills. The project will use the DigComp and EntreComp framework to formulate the expected learning outcomes of the new curriculum for VET providers. European instruments will be applied: ЕКР – European qualification framework, ECVET – European credit system for professional education and training and EQAVET – European quality guarantee in professional education and training
  • Configuration of the developed modules in the MOOC training platform and testing by 400 library specialists in Bulgaria, Latvia, Italy and Greece.
  • Development of a specialized training course (total 240 hours; 25 students per country), including: face-to-face (20 hours / 5 days), online MOOC training (160 hours), project work (40 hours) and practical training (165 hours).

Practical training will support the creation of a mobile and skilled workforce, able to meet the challenges of everyday work, as participants will have the opportunity to learn while doing their work. It is based on the principle of learning between generations.

Training through an online platform that stimulates the sharing and exchange of knowledge, experience and best practices.


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