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DIGI-BREAKER PLUS Meeting in Stockholm

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On Friday 26 January, The DIGI-BREAKER PLUS project team joined together for their second transnational meeting in Stockholm. The team discussed the final contents of the DB+ 3-hour Massive Open Online Course, reviewing the material and providing feedback to bring it all together. The course will help job seekers to embed sustainability into their job searches, and to look for jobs that will match the green transition. The Course will also be available as an e-Book and with an accompanying guide for educators.

The project team also began to plan the implementation of the piloting stage where the course will be tested. A total of 100 unemployed adults (20 per partner country) will take the course, and a community development action plan will be developed to promote the DB+ methodology.

The meeting in Stockholm was a great opportunity to get together and exchange ideas as the project moves into its second year.

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