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The First Workshop for Young Librarians’ Ideas Took Place on 10–12 April 2013 in RIU Hotel in Pravets


The workshop was attended by 38 librarians from across the country and 7 library studies students from the University of Library Studies and Information Technology (UniBit). The average age of librarians who applied and were approved for participation was 29 years. The training part of the event included the following topics: innovative library services; community needs assessment; using social networks to promote library activities; motivation.

Young librarians took deep interest in new work methods – the Pecha Kucha presentation style, the De Bono’s random word technique and the dynamic and informative speed training module which participants liked the most and practiced through five 12-minute training sessions.

The workshop was also attended by two representatives of the Romanian Biblionet Program who shared their experience and ideas. Information about the Young Librarians Academy held in 2012 in Latvia was presented.

All participants value highly the opportunity for exchanging ideas with their colleagues within group work activities and share that such meetings are an incentive in their work. I felt important and capable”, wrote a participant in her feedback form. 
At the end of the event, all participants received certificates.


Young librarians continue sharing their impressions and ideas in the workshop’s Facebook group:
The next workshop for young librarians’ ideas will be held in September 2013.

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